It’s been well over a year since I’ve posted in this space, and I need to give myself the permission to not feel quite so guilty about that. So here goes: Seminary has been wonderful, but has not been the on-the-side gig I had thought it would be. It has bowled me over with its bigness. It has gotten all up in my business. It would not allow me to keep it at an arm’s distance–to keep it an academic acquisition. I have loved it and I have wanted to quit it.
And I can hardly believe that now I’m halfway through it!
In reflecting on the past two years and looking ahead from the vantage point of this muddled middle, it became clear that I needed to make some changes. If I am going to come out on the other side of this thing–and hopefully healthier and more whole than I went in–then it’s time to let some things go. I’ve been trying to just keep on truckin’, to keep piling on new commitments on top of the old. To keep doing everything I love. But I love so many things, and I found myself beginning to sway and stumble under the weight of even their goodness.
So, I’m just going to let myself off the hook for a bit. I need to let my writing lie fallow and not give in to the pressure of feeling like I’m not doing enough. If you’re looking for me or, bless your heart, if you miss my writing, find me on Instagram or Twitter. Local and semi-local friends, if you’re looking for a speaker for a MOPs group or youth camp or women’s retreat or whatnot, drop me a note via the contact page. I am still speaking as it works with my schedule and I’d love to chat with you about whether I could be a good fit for your group.
Blessings, dear blog friends. Pray for me that I’ll sow good seed in this season. I’m excited to share the crop the Lord brings of it.
You have given me comfort regarding my own sporadic blog writing. A few years ago I posted every day of the week. Now I look at things that would have once become the subject of a blog post and think “Nah.” What happened? I think I know, but it’ll probably never become a blog post. 😉