Aleah marsden
Living a long obedience in the same direction
I’m a wife and mother of four, who serves as Pastor of Formation at Christ Church of Davis (CRCNA). I graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in 2022 with a Master of Divinity, and now find myself back for more as I pursue a Master of Theology in New Testament.
Before seminary, in what begins to feel altogether like another life, I had the privilege of publishing in a number of different Christian publications, as well as speaking for numerous events, retreats, and MOPS groups. The Christian women’s ministry sphere is what landed me in seminary, which is what God used to throw my whole world for a loop to put me on the track to ordination as a Minister of the Word. No one is more surprised with how my life is playing out than me!
I’m passionate about seeing people walk into all the good plans God has for them (Ephesians 2:10), and it’s a joy to journey alongside others as we seek to live in ways that serve God with our various gifts. I’m empathetic, enthusiastic, and curious–and LOVE to travel. Philip Yancey once said that I’m “the kind of person you want to be seated next to at a dinner party.” Obviously, this is my favorite compliment ever!
My goal is to be a less-anxious pastoral presence for those entrusted to my care, and to spend my days walking out and leading others on the journey of abundant life with Jesus. I’m so glad you’re here!